Tijuana Massage Spa Service Overview
Ordering the Best Massage in Tijuana
Masaje Milagroso Spa’s menu for Massages is simple, customizable, and efficient which ensures you receive the massage you really want without any stress. No longer must you get a package of items you don’t really want to save money as all our services are a la cart and any way you pair them are an exceptional value. To order one of our 10 style of massages there are only 2 steps and two quick decisoins to make that you have already thought about as the word Massage came to your mind. For those who want more then a massage, we have optional items to add to your massage detailed in steps 3, 4 and 5. Below are steps 1 and 2, followed by 3, 4 and 5 if you want more spa treatments and massage enhancements. Our easy process ensures you get want you really want with your Massage in Tijuana.
First Step: Choose how long of Massage you want. 90 minutes is the most popular for your Massage
.5 Hour
1 Hour
1.5 Hours
2 Hours

Second Step: Choose the Tijuana Massage you desire or tell us your goal and we’ll recommend one!
The most popular massages in Tijuana are Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue Massage and the Relaxing Massage. To see all Masaje Milagroso’s styles of Massage in Tijuana, click the link! If your style of Massage is not listed, call us because there is a good chance that a Massage Therapist at Masaje Milagroso knows how to give it and we just need to ensure she is available at the time and day you want to come in.
You are all set! Those two steps will get you the best Massage in Tijuana.

Steps 3 through 5 are optional but take a look!
Third Step: Enhance your Massage (Optional)
Premium Products

Compliments to your Massage in Tijuana:
Dead Sea Salt Exfoliation prepared and applied in a variety of ways.

Massage + Massage Compliments:
Piedras Caliente

Paso 4: Add additional Spa Services (Optional)
Body Clay Masks and Wraps.

Sauna, Jaccuzi, & Showers

5th Step: Get a good deal and Save Money (Opcional!)
A membership is essentially a package of massages. Memberships can be purchased in 4 or 8-hour options.
To simplify, the 4-hour option reduces the cost of the massage to $25 per hour. The 8-hour option reduces the cost to $23.13 per hour and also gives you the ability to register and use the membership between two people.
The 4-hour option is for single-person use only. The best part is that there are no limitations; you can use it any day, at any time, with any style of massage, and there’s no enrollment fee, no automatic renewal, and no expiration date. Save and purchase your massages in Tijuana wholesale at Masaje Milagroso Spa!
10 Styles of Tijuana Massages available at Masaje Milagroso
Enhance your Massage
Add Massage enhancements for your Tijuana massage and elevate your enjoyment of the massage in Tijuana to new levels!We try to make it easy, All massage styles have the same price. The massage price varies solely based on the duration. Check out our 10 massage styles below!
Tratamientos de Spa en Tijuana
Agregue cualquier mejora enumerada a su masaje y lleve su disfrute del masaje en tijuana a nuevos niveles Appointments on line for Massage in TijuanaMassage near your location - We have spa locations near Zona Rio and in Playas de Tijuana. All locations are open 7 days a week from 9 A.M. to 10 P.M.
Add any listed enhancement to your massage and take your massage enjoyment in Tijuana to new levels!All massage styles have the same price. The massage price varies only based on the duration. Check out our 10 massage styles below!